Ministers In The Marketplace

Welcome to the Ministers In The Marketplace Podcast, hosted by Regina Samuel, also known as Apostle Gina. Every year, her mission is to disciple a group of Christian women on how to do the work of ministry outside the church wall and advance God’s kingdom in the marketplace. In each episode, she will give you godly advice and practical tips on how to build the business side of your ministry, make an impact using your God given gifts and generate passive income using a marketplace ministry model. For more resources, visit us at

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Friday May 24, 2024

In today's empowering episode, we delve into the importance of creating your own framework for ministry, guided by God's unique vision for you. As ministers in the marketplace, it's crucial to stop imitating others and start embracing the new, distinct path God is calling you to.
We explore how God often gives us general guidelines and end goals, but the specifics of the journey require a deep, personal relationship with Him. By spending time in prayer and seeking His guidance, you can build a ministry that stands out and fulfils His divine purpose on earth.
Discover the challenges and rewards of developing a ministry that doesn't follow the traditional models but instead follows a fresh, innovative approach inspired by God's direction. Learn how to trust the process, lean on God's strength, and seek clarity through His word.
I hope this message blesses you, and I look forward to seeing you in the next episode!
Chapter Markers:
0:00 - Creating Your Own Ministry Framework
6:17 - Overcoming Setbacks in Ministry
7:05 - Seeking Clarity from God
8:56 - Embracing Unexpected Guidance
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Wednesday May 22, 2024

One of the questions that I keep asking myself over and over and over again is: What has God called me to build, and why has God called me to build it this way?
If this is you and God is calling you to build and serve as a minister in the marketplace, I hope this episode encourages you to stay the course.
Chapter Markers:
0:06 - Discovering Your Calling
0:22 - Ministry Building Challenges
3:16 - Equipped as Ambassadors
4:48 - The Call to Build
7:19 - The Journey to Pursuing God’s Vision
9:38 - Leading by Example
10:55 - Overcoming Challenges in Ministry
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Monday Mar 04, 2024

In today's message, we will learn about a biblical approach to conquering the marketplace using Joshua's strategy from the Bible. This message will show you how to use God's teachings as a biblical framework for pursuing the visions that He gave us, especially for the marketplace. 
For those of you who feel called by God to do ministry work in the marketplace, I hope this strategy provides you with the clarity and confidence you need to move forward, even if you are unclear about what He has called you to do.
ICB (International Childrens Bible)
Chapter Markers:
0:06 - Intro To Possessing the Marketplace
1:35 - Building a Relationship with God
8:22 - Preparing A Battle Plan
11:27 - Do Your Market Research
13:37 - Create An Action Plan 
15:32 - Take Dominion
16:51 - Summary
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Friday Mar 01, 2024

Starting a ministry always requires investment
If you cannot fund it yourself, how will you cover the basic costs? In today's episode, I will share a simple strategy that can help you support and fund your ministry. We will explore how meeting individual needs or problems can sometimes serve as a valid and transparent source of funds for running a ministry. This not only provides financial relief but also ensures that your ministry's progress is not hindered by inconsistent income streams.
Using the example of the biblical figure, Apostle Paul, this episode delves into how he used his tent-making skills to support his ministry when funds were unavailable from those he ministered to or from the ministry itself.
Remember God has given you the dominion to use your gifts, talents, and abilities to acquire the necessary funds to support you and your ministry.
Chapter Markers:
0:00 - Intro Of The Ministry CEO Podcast
0:25 - Offering Services for Financial Support
2:05 - Using Your Skills to Fund Your Ministry
2:32 - Leveraging Your Talents To Support Your Ministry
4:04 - Trusting God in Financial Exchange
6:04 - Following Apostle Paul’s Example
6:26 - Conclusion
I hope this episode encourages you to start trusting God to use your gifts and talents for financial relief and to solve the financial constraints at the initial stages of your ministry.
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Friday Mar 01, 2024

As a creative person, you are likely to have numerous ideas, some of which may come from God, while others may not. In today's episode, we will discuss the importance of seeking God's guidance before embarking on a new venture. Without His guidance, we may end up going down the wrong path. Therefore, it is crucial to use our gifts following His will and not be driven solely by society's expectations.
During our discussion, we focused on the importance of filtering our ideas through the plans and visions given by God. It is easy to be attracted to the path that others are taking, but seeking God's direction is crucial to avoid falling prey to wrong paths, strategies, or models.
Having a personal relationship with God is essential. It creates an atmosphere conducive to hearing and learning from God directly, which will help you stay committed to His vision and avoid any wrong paths. By fostering such a relationship and environment, one can ensure the successful navigation of their ministry and entrepreneurship journey.
Chapter Markers:
0:00 - The Importance of Seeking God’s Guidance
2:28 - The Key Role of Prayer in Understanding God’s Heart
4:51 - Embracing God’s Way Over the World’s Approach
8:24 - Aligning Ministry and Business with God’s Will
9:14 - Overcoming Shiny Object Syndrome through Prayer and Godly Counsel
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My Word For 2024 // New

Wednesday Jan 31, 2024

Wednesday Jan 31, 2024

Embracing the Version God Has Called You to Be
Every year, I seek a word from God. This year, He gave me the word "NEW" and said that this year will be a new you, new assignment, and new opportunities. If you're like me, having a word for the year can give you focus.
Chapter Markers:
0:00 - Embracing The New Me
2:24 - Developing Clarity and Confidence
4:11 - Building The Right Relationships
5:58 - Enduring The Wilderness Season
10:19 - Embracing The New You
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Saturday Jan 27, 2024

The Ministry CEO Podcast was designed to inspire Christian women to engage in ministry work, whether it be online or in-person, that extends beyond the traditional boundaries of the church. Many of us have received a calling to establish our ministry that addresses a need within the marketplace.
Guided by a vision given to me in a dream back in 2014, I felt called to embrace my unique call to ministry as an apostle. Now, I hope to inspire and guide others called to ministry beyond the traditional church settings.
This podcast is dedicated to all of you who feel a divine calling to create content, establish brands, and build ministries to serve those that conventional church structures might not reach.
Chapter Markers:
0:00 - Intro To The Ministry CEO Podcast
2:21 - The Mission Beyond The Church Walls
3:31 - Prophetic Vision and Building A Godly Brand
Our Focus Scripture // Luke 6:48-49 (emphasis added)
She is like a woman who chooses the right place to build a ministry and then lays a deep and secure foundation. When the storms and floods rage against that ministry, it continues to stand firm and unshaken through the storm, for she built it wisely on the proper foundation. But the one who has heard my teaching and does not obey it is like a woman who builds a ministry without laying any foundation at all. When the storms and floods rage against that ministry, it will immediately collapse and become a total loss. Which of these two builders will you be?”
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The Ministry CEO

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